Painting and painting the building is one of the things that many people do every year. Therefore, we are going to talk about practical tips about building painting.
With the arrival of New Year and Eid, or with the passage of time when the walls of the house become dark and dirty, the need to paint and paint the building is felt more. People who have bought a new house and plan to renovate their house, paint and paint the building in the last stage. Therefore, for many people, this issue and concern is always raised, how to paint the house beautifully and what points should be observed about painting the building.
Painting and painting the building
When talking about painting a building, perhaps the first and most important issue that comes to mind is what is meant by painting a building?
Buildings are places for human life and business. Therefore, the painting and color of the interior and facade of the building show the effects of personality, thoughts, level and social class and life. For this reason, it can be said that building painting has a great impact on our productivity and influence on others.
In general, it should be said that painting the building means painting the walls and roof of the house using the appropriate color by the master painter. This work is done after the building is whitewashed or after the previous painting is destroyed and worn out. Building painting includes painting and painting of school buildings, offices, painting and painting of hospital buildings, companies, factory buildings, which during the stages of preparation, plastering, peeling, staining and surface paint, and painting walls, ceilings, doors and windows. is done
In the painting and painting of the building, we try to present the best painting and painting of the building that is uniform and somehow attractive and beautiful by combining different colors and using the art of the building painter, so that the building looks very beautiful and excellent. It can be protected from materials such as plaster, etc. Therefore, building painting can be considered one of the arts of painting and is one of the most beautiful works in construction services, which has a different world.
Different people paint and paint the building, some people try to give a special look and beauty to their building by painting and painting the building due to the fact that the walls are made of plaster. Some other people paint the walls and ceiling of their house for variety, or paint and paint the building to repair the building. However, all people who paint buildings should keep some points in mind in order to get the best results.
– Important points in building painting and painting
Painting and painting the building is one of the works of art that is done by the master painter, who is a kind of artist himself, with taste and taste. Many people who paint the building want to get the best result. Therefore, it is better to keep some points in mind to achieve the desired result. Among the important points about painting the building are:
1- Determining the right time
The first and most important thing to keep in mind for painting is determining the right time. Many people think that they can do this whenever they like. While such a way of thinking is not correct and the right time should be determined in painting and painting the building. Determining the right time to paint the building can give you a much better and more acceptable result.
Therefore, if you want to paint the building, check various factors and identify suitable and favorable conditions for painting. Based on experience and statistics, the best time to paint a building is when the weather and climate conditions are suitable. Therefore, to start painting and painting the building, wait until the weather conditions are suitable and stable and the building preparation work is finished so that there are no more problems and delays due to some mistakes in painting the building. Therefore, the most important factor for determining the right time to paint the building is the environmental conditions and the place of painting.
2- Choosing the right color
Another point in painting the building is paying attention to the type of paint and choosing the right color for this job. Despite the fact that different types of colors can be used to paint the building and anyone can choose the desired color based on their taste and interest. However, the right color should be chosen when painting the building. To choose the right color, you can pay attention to the type and material of the paint, whether it is oil paint or plastic paint is going to be used.
Another point in choosing the color for building paint is to pay attention to the matching and harmony of colors, the chosen color should be in harmony with the decoration of the home or workplace.
The third thing that should be taken into consideration when choosing a color for painting a building is whether or not the building is reflective. If the house is not reflective, then it is better to use colors that reflect light to make the house bright and airy. If the house and room are without windows, then it is better to use colors like white or light blue, to compensate for the lack of windows to some extent.
Another point of choosing color for painting and painting the building is paying attention to the psychology of colors. When you want to paint your building, consider the psychology of colors and act accordingly.
3- Attention to the area of the house
In order to be able to paint and paint the building, it is necessary to pay attention to its area and size. Due to the fact that today the majority of houses are small with a size of 60 or 70 meters, therefore, the owners of the house like to make their house look bigger and use colors in the painting and painting of the building that Make the house look bigger. Therefore, in painting the building, the colors should be chosen wisely. Using bright colors can be suitable for small buildings. In addition to using bright colors, you can use happy colors such as yellow, pale blue or dark green. In small houses, if you paint one of the walls in a dark color, it will make that wall look a little further away and make the house look bigger.
4- The importance of paying attention to the color of the walls and ceiling
Paying attention to choosing the color of the ceiling and walls is one of the most important points of painting the building, and in many cases, different and contrasting colors should be used for the painting of the building. While some people may think that the best thing to do when painting a building is to use the same color for the walls and ceiling.
In painting the walls, you can also use narrow metallic vertical lines in the lower part of the wall to make the house look modern. You can also use spicy and appetizing colors to paint the kitchen. In this context, you can use colors that are the color of spices.
5- Attention to the type of color
As you know, there are different types of paint on the market today, each of which is suitable for a specific location.
The paints available in the market are divided into three general categories: oil paint, plastic paint, and acrylic paint, each of which has specific and unique characteristics. If the place you want to paint needs to be washed once in a while, then it is better to use oil paint, which can be washed. But if you don’t need to wash the wall, then plastic paint is suitable. Due to the fact that the solvent of this type of paint is water, as a result, it does not cause much harm and does not produce any smell.
There are two types of oil paints, matte and glossy, which are combined by the building painter for a better result and to ensure proper quality. Oil paints are mostly used in bathrooms or toilets. But plastic colors are suitable for covering the ceilings of rooms and receptions. But acrylic paint, which is the third and new type of paint, is divided into several categories, which if you pay attention to the characteristics and features of this type of paint, it can be said that it has almost some characteristics of oil paint and plastic. According to these materials, it can be said that another important point in painting and painting the building is paying attention to the type of paint.
6- Attention to the area of walls and ceilings
Another important and practical point in building painting is paying attention to the area of walls and ceilings. For this reason, it is better to measure the wall and ceiling of the house before painting. Therefore, before buying and preparing paint, first get the size of the wall and ceiling and then buy the required amount of paint. Measure and record each section individually to get accurate measurements. Because if you use different colors, you know how much of each color you should buy.
7- Preparation of the work before painting
In order to paint the building flawlessly, it is necessary to prepare the substructure for painting. A dirty, uneven and damaged surface not only makes the output and result of the work not interesting and lovely, but also reduces the useful life of the paint. So, before you start painting the building, it is better to clean the desired surfaces from any dirt and then start painting.

8- Using white color for the ceiling
In painting and painting the building, the important thing is that you should pay attention to the color you want to use for each part of the house. Most people use white paint to paint the roof of the house. Because the use of white color creates more light in the house and gives people a wider view when entering the house, and in addition, it strengthens the sense of freedom and light in people.
On the other hand, if a dark color is used for the ceiling, it will make it look shorter and make the space look more intimate.
9- Build a platform
It can be said that the most important and main point that you should do before painting the building is to prepare the sub-work and make the bed. For this reason, before you want to start painting the building, allocate some time to build the foundation and do some work to make the bed and prepare the work for painting. Because painting the walls and roof of the house alone does not fix the defects and defects of the building and the wall. Therefore, as much as possible, smooth the seams and cracks of the ceiling and wall using putty and make sure that the wall and ceiling are clean before painting. We have explained more about this in the article “Painting different levels of the building”.
10- Using a brush or roller
Rollers or brushes are often used in building painting and painting. However, some people find it difficult to choose whether to use a roller or a brush. Some painters use brushes and others use rollers. While it should be mentioned that using a roller and a brush together can have a great impact on the painting and painting of the building.
For painting the building, you should choose and buy both a good and high-quality brush and roller. Using a high-quality and suitable brush and roller not only results in excellent painting of the building, but also saves people’s time and energy.
11- Correct combination of colors
One of the important and practical principles and tips in building painting is the use of suitable colors and their correct combination. For painting and painting the building, this point should be taken into consideration, that the color should be combined according to the principles and conditions. Unfortunately, some people mix the color in a small amount and redo it every few hours. While this work causes, in addition to taking a lot of time from the person, the result of the work is not favorable. Because it has happened many times that the color made is not the same as the previous color and is darker or lighter than it. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare the desired color all at once and store it in a closed container.
12- Separation of levels from each other
In building painting, there are surfaces, which either should not be painted or their color should be chosen differently from other surfaces. Therefore, one of the important points in painting the building is to separate the surfaces that should not be painted. If you determine the surfaces that should not be painted first, then you can save time and money and also provide a very desirable job. However, unfortunately, some painters start painting and painting the building without paying attention to this point. However, after finishing the work, they have to spend a lot of time and energy to clean surfaces such as door handles, hinges, etc. While it is possible to prevent them from being colored by specifying these surfaces and doing some preliminary work such as opening the switch and electrical sockets.
13- Start painting and painting work
The beginning of building painting and where to start painting and painting in the building are other important and practical points in building painting and painting. For many people who want to paint and paint the building, this question arises, where to start the work. Based on the experiences of professional painters, building painting should start from the roofs. It is better to paint the ceiling with a brush to avoid splashing the paint around and on the walls. In this way, when you want to paint the walls, you will no longer face the problem of smearing on the wall, etc. To paint the ceiling of the house, it is better to paint along the width of the room and do not start from the corners.
14- How to paint the building
In order to paint and paint the building in the best possible way, one should know the correct way of painting the building. Hence, when you want to paint the building, Bobd paid attention to the golden rule of painting the building. You might ask yourself, what is the golden rule of building painting and painting? To answer this question, it should be said that the golden rule of building painting and painting is painting from top to bottom. Painting the building in this way prevents paint from leaking and dripping onto the painted surfaces. This method is very useful and helpful and makes people’s work easier.
15- Pressing the adhesive tape with a spatula
One of the concerns and problems that many people face when painting a building is cornices or places that do not want to be painted. Many painters use adhesive tape to prevent painting of cornices or other surfaces that they do not want to be painted, and stick adhesive tape on these desired surfaces. However, in many cases, due to the fact that the adhesive tape does not stick well on the desired surfaces and seams and cracks appear under it, which is caused by the presence of air in it, and ultimately causes the baseboards or the desired surfaces to be colored. will be
Therefore, in order not to allow air to remain under the adhesive tape and cause the baseboards and surfaces that should not be painted, use a spatula and draw a spatula on the adhesive tape that you stuck on the baseboard and other surfaces. Press the spatula a little, so that the adhesive tape sticks well. Of course, you can use special glue that is blue in color so that the glue does not remain on the baseboard. The adhesive for painting can be easily removed from baseboards and other surfaces, while also protecting the paint from returning to the surface below.
16- The importance of covering brush marks
It is very important to cover the pencil mark in the building paint. In many cases, we see that the pen mark on the wall remains wavy, which causes the work to look ugly. Therefore, it is necessary to cover the pen mark on the wall as much as possible, and for this purpose, you can use Flutrol liquid, which is a paint covering liquid. By combining this liquid and paint, not only the brush marks will not remain on the wall, but the drying process of the paint will be slower, and as a result, there will be no problem for painting other surfaces. Painters and people who professionally paint the building use paint covering liquid for wooden surfaces, walls and doors. Of course, in using this liquid, you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
17- Start working with a brush dipped in paint
The important and practical point in building painting is that if you want to start painting the building, use a paint brush. Skilled and professional painters use this trick to start painting and apply the paint to the wall even when the paint is dripping from the brush. To dip the brush into the paint, dip it about 4 cm into the paint, then tap the brush against the wall of the paint container, dip it into the paint container again, and then start painting the building. While non-professional people take the extra paint and then start painting.
18- Respecting the order and paying attention to the principles of painting
Adhering to the hierarchies and principles of coloring is another important and essential point in building painting. It should be noted that in painting the building, the principles and order of painting should be observed. By observing the order and principles, you can achieve an excellent result. Among the order and principles that can be mentioned for painting the building are cleaning the surfaces that are going to be painted.
After cleaning, if needed, apply Alif oil and then putty. After plastering, sanding can be used to fix the unevenness and heights.
After the work is uniform and smooth, do the primary ester. After you have done the initial primer, you can do the staining and sanding again, so that the points that are observed after the primer in the form of low and possible height can be removed. After completing the mentioned steps, you can start painting the building.
In today’s modern world, the importance of painting and painting the building and having a beautiful interior and exterior of the building is very important. Many people turn to painting and painting the building for this purpose and think that painting and painting the building is easy and convenient. While after painting the building, not only they do not get the desired result, but also the desired work does not come out. Because painting and painting the building requires skill and compliance with some points in order to guarantee its quality.
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