Changing the car spark plugs makes the performance of the vehicle at a high level. The main function of a spark plug is fuel consumption. If you intend to reduce fuel costs and pollution, you should definitely consider using a suitable spark plug and replacing the current product in the car.
What is a car spark plug?
Vehicles that use gasoline or gas are actually flammable. Such vehicles need to burn fuel to move. The spark plug of the car causes the ignition to take place and the fuel becomes the energy needed for movement. When you start the car, the spark plug will transfer the necessary energy.
Changing spark plugs is not difficult. But you must be aware of the exact time of replacement. Each candle has a useful life. The standard life span of a car spark plug is 50,000 kilometers. But some candles may have a longer life. If you replace the spark plug prematurely, your cost will only increase and the process of replacing the spark plug will be difficult.
The importance of maintenance of car spark plugs
If you care about the health of the car, you should be concerned about the health of the engine components. The spark plug is one of the important parts of the car engine, whose performance will directly affect the performance of the car as well as the consumption of the car.
There is a gap in the spark plug head where the electrode is placed. Over time, these electrodes generate a lot of sparks. All these sparks cause a change in the physical nature of the candle.
Any mechanical product will get tarnished or damaged over time. From the cooler to the door hinge, they all have a useful life. Car spark plugs also have a useful life. One of the ways to ensure the health of a car spark plug is to know its useful life, which is announced to you when you buy or replace it.
If the car’s spark plug has a problem, the engine will have problems over time. It is also possible that the failure of the spark plug is due to the failure of the engine and the combustion process. In this way, you will be able to treat the engine in the future.
How to ensure the health of the car spark plug?
There are different ways to answer this question. As we said, one of the basic ways is to know the useful life of the candle. If your engine has a problem, the amount of fuel consumption has changed, or you feel that the production pollution of the car has increased, you should open and check the spark plug of the car and make sure of the health of the spark plug of the car. After opening the candle, you should check its color and shape. In most cases, you will encounter the following forms:
1- If your candle is healthy, its head will have a very light gray color. The new candle that you buy has this color. If you still have ignition problems in the engine with these specifications, the problem is probably from somewhere else, such as the spark plug wire.
2- Look for signs and carbon footprints. Sometimes the fuel entering the engine may be too rich. It means that the amount of fuel is more than air. This will cause the candle to fail. The sign of such an event is a series of dark and black spots and soot. Clean the spark plug and take the car to a mechanic to find out why the fuel is too rich.
3- Identify the black spots. Sometimes, the combustion process may not take place properly. Because of this, a series of black spots will appear on the candle. A part of the car, such as the timing belt, may have a problem. Also, if this problem continues, the valve of the car will have a problem. Sometimes a spark plug is not suitable for a car and does not have the ability to withstand the necessary heat.
4- Look for the candle to be wet. Your candle may be wet. This wetness is due to an oil leak. The oil may have come into contact with the spark plug through various holes. If the spark plug is dry, the problem is carbon, but if it is wet, it is a sign of contact with excess oil, which is the problem of the car itself. Oil leakage will also cause deposits. If you encounter a series of white deposits, your problem may be an oil leak.
5- Look for burns and damage. If the engine overheats, the spark plug will also be damaged. Check the spark plug head and see if it is burnt or broken and damaged. Due to chemical interactions, it is possible that the tip of the candle will be eaten and its size will be smaller.
6- Maybe the candle is old. Obsolescence is one of the forms of car spark plug failure. Check the screws, maybe your spark plug has a new and strange shape or it is obvious that it is old. Corrosion, chipping and rusting are all possible under these conditions.
Time to replace car spark plugs; Pay attention not to be late!
Spark plug wire replacement time; It is different for each type and model of car such as Pride, L90, Samand, Tiba and Pars, and we are going to talk about each one of them below.
When should we replace the spark plug 206?
When to change spark plugs 206 type 5, which is the most used model in Peugeots, it is better to change your spark plugs every 5,000,000 kilometers. Of course, in the last few years, car spark plug manufacturers have offered their service life between 95,000 and 14,000 kilometers.
time to change the spark plugs; Replace before any problems
First of all, if the wire spark plug is broken, the spark plug and coil will not do the job of igniting the engine properly, and this is where you should pay attention to the check light. When you leave the car running, the vibration exceeds the limit and your car’s engine has slowed down; Maybe one of the reasons is that it’s time to replace your spark plugs. We suggest that you take your car to the repair shop as soon as possible or use on-site car repair.
How to change a car spark plug
Prepare a tool box and a new car spark plug. To do this, you should have a number of effective wrenches and tools with you. To buy spark plugs, it is better to refer to the manual or the car dealer. Get enough information from whatever reliable sources you have. Once you know the specifications of the car spark plug, you can choose between different prices. After this, you should start replacing the car’s spark plugs.
1- Identifying the spark plug:
open the hood of the car. There are between 4 and 8 wires connected to different parts of the engine. Car candles are in the part connected to the engine of these wires and are placed under them. In most cars, these wires are located on the sides or the head of the engine. It is possible that in some cars, the engine is covered with a cover. In this case, you should remove the cover and look for the spark plug and spark plug wire.

2- Disconnecting the wire:
take the connecting part of the wire and disconnect it slowly and carefully. If you pull the spark plug wire from the middle, this part of the engine will be damaged and the process of replacing the spark plug will be difficult. Also, pay attention to where each piece of wire is connected exactly. If you put it wrong after replacement, the engine may not start. Before removing it, make sure that the car has been off for a long time. You must allow the engine to cool completely before starting the replacement process.
3- Measuring the candle:
If you are sure of the information of the purchased candle, skip this step. But it is better to measure the gap of the spark plug and match the size of the old spark plug with the new spark plug. Pay attention to the shape of the previous candle. If the electrodes have an unusual white mass or burns, then you should consider replacing the spark plugs.
4- Cleaning:
After checking and adjusting the new candle, it is time for cleaning. Clean around the engine inlet to increase engine performance. Use an air compressor to remove dust or dirt.
5- Replacing the spark plugs:
First, slightly lubricate the screw of the new spark plugs. If your engine is aluminum, use a suitable fluid for this purpose. The oily liquid prevents a wrong reaction between two different substances. After that, replace these spark plugs with the previous spark plug using the appropriate tool.
Try not to tighten the spark plug too much so as not to damage the cylinder head. If this happens, you will have to pay a lot more than you thought. We mentioned earlier that you should pay attention to the location of each wire. Now carefully put each wire back where it belongs.
Important points in replacing car spark plugs
Although changing a car spark plug is a simple task, you still need to be careful and use the right tools. Use a ratchet wrench to do the job. Use the spark plug socket to insert a new spark plug into the housing. Also, the best tool for measuring spark plug gaps is a filler. With the filler wrench, you will have a high ability to manipulate the gap.
One of the steps mentioned above may encounter a problem. In such a case, it is better to contact an expert, raise the problem and wait for a response. A car is made up of different components, each of which must be put together correctly. If any of these components have problems, sooner or later the car will also have problems. So, if you take a wrong step, solve it with the help of an expert and then continue the process of replacing the car spark plug. Even without paying attention to your car, it can lead to other parts of the car, such as a broken timing belt. Our suggestion is to pay attention when replacing the timing belt. A locksmith can solve all these problems for you.
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